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Honey is captured sunshine


responsible for the content of this website:

Alexander Setzer, Shareholder

Fundo Apícola Puntiagudo SpA
Ribera sur Lago Rupanco
Comuna de Puerto Octay

X. Región de Los Lagos

Mailing address:
Casilla postal 524
Bernardo O’Higgins 645
5312351 Osorno
X. Región de Los Lagos

RUT 76.311.401-5

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Despite careful control as regards content we do not assume any liabelity for the contents of external links. The operators are exclusively responsible for the contents of interlinked sides. While we assume that the information and content provided by us is true and correct, it may, nevertheless, contain errors or inaccuracies.

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For further questions, suggestions and information, we will be happy to help:

Alexander Setzer
Shareholder and beekeeper

Telephone: +56 9 61043731
Telephone: +49 7042 979400
eMail: info@fundiagudo.cl